
Friday, March 7, 2014

2 Day Juice Cleanse - Worth It?

I have done a few different cleanses before but never a straight juice cleanse.  I like to do a cleanse when I feel I have been eating really bad or drinking a lot of caffeine because I feel it "resets" my body's cravings and I can go back to eating well again.  I'm sure I can do it without the cleanse but it is a good way to kick start eating well.

A few people at work were talking about the Roots Cleanse and I thought I'd give it a try.  I convinced my husband to try it also.  2 Days, it can't be that bad.
Best Juicing Recipes - Roots Juices

You can choose how many days you want along with the level of cleanse.  We chose the Level 1.  You are supposed to drink a juice every 2 hours. Here is my review.

Level 1 Roots Cleanse

Wake Up - Carrot, Apple, Ginger, Watermelon:  This one wasn't that bad.  I tasted the carrot a lot but it had some sweetness to it.
Hydrate - Cucumber, Lime, Mint, Apple, Ginger:  I really liked this one. It was sweet and refreshing.  I enjoy making cucumber water for myself so it was like that but more complicated.
Green Goddess - Kale, Apple, Spinach, Romaine, Celery, Cucumber.  This would have been fine if they left out the celery.  It was overpowering and ruined the whole drink.
Lean & Fit - Grapefruit, Mint:  If you like grapefruit, you will be fine with this.  It was very tart for me.
Liver Cleanse - Beets, Carrots, Apple, Aloe, Ginger:  I could barely stomach this one.  However, I also don't like beets so guess that could have something to do with it.
Health Nut Almond Milk - Almonds, Dates, Vanilla Bean, Sea Salt, Filtered Water:  This was one of the best ones.  Sweet and no weird taste.

Day 1:  Was I hungry - not really but I craved everything I saw.  I think that is part of the resetting is living without things for a while.  We did not work out during this.  I do not know how someone would have enough energy if they did.

Day 2:  The headache was horrible.  Of course, I am used to drinking coffee every morning and usually a glass of wine every night so was having major withdrawals.  I wasn't starving but my tummy rumbled quite a bit.

So, was it worth it??  If I had a lot to do those days, it would have been hard to get them done.  I think it was worth it as it was nice way to kick-off to healthy eating.  However, if I want to do it again, I would purchase a juicer as the price would end up evening out.


I do not receive monetary compensation for my review of this product. It represents the opinion based on  personal use and results.  This product was purchased by me and not received free.  My opinion of a product will not change if I receive it for free or with a discount for reviewing it (but that would be awesome - except for the Green Goddess drink).

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