
Friday, January 31, 2014

Tried It...Ate It...Loved It: Pizza Chicken

January is clean out the freezer month.  What that means is that my grocery store trips should only include perishables and we do not go out to eat.  Sounds like a great idea and I try to do it every so often but towards the end of the month, I am stretching for new things to eat.  Luckily out of this, came a new dinner that the kids gobbled in seconds (always a good thing).

Pizza Chicken:

  • Boneless Skinless Chick Breast
  • Tomato Sauce - add Italian seasoning to make it more pizza flavored
  • Pepperoni (I used Turkey)
  • Mozzarella cheese
I baked the chicken in an oven dish.  I used my Prepara Roasting Laurel because it allows both sides to get cooked fairly evenly.  About 10 minutes in, I added the pepperoni, and sauce and baked for 5 more minutes, then I added the cheese and removed when melted.

No recipe there and was glad it turned out.  Not saying it hasn't been done but I just put together what was in my pantry and fridge.

Want to Party? I am linking to these parties: The Shabby Nest   The Best Blog Recipes Rhinestone Beagle Miz Helen’s Country Cottage


  1. Looks like a pretty simple - but yummy - recipe!! Thank you for linking up to the Weekend re-Treat Link Party!

  2. What great flavor for your Pizza Chicken, we will just love this recipe! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week!
    Miz Helen


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