
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weekend Craft Fair

I took the girls to a local craft fair this weekend put on by the Richardson High School Eaglettes. It was supposed to be in December but was postponed from the freeze weekend.  We had a great time looking at everything.  We bought a few things and got inspiration from others.

They had these adorable Marshmallow shooters in cute girly colors.  We had fun playing with those this weekend.

Even though I have crocheted before, it is not something I will probably do again for a long time.  I appreciate the people who have the patience for it.  Loved the cute headbands I picked up for the girls.

I am a sucker for anything K and especially something made out of books.  Love this!!!!  It is going right next to my K wall.

Some of the things that I pinned over but didn't purchase...Tupperware and hair bows for the girls.  Does anyone use Tupperware items anymore? I love kitchen stuff but couldn't make a decision on anything to buy while I had 2 little ones with me.

As for the hair bows, my girls aren't wearing them much anymore but I loved the stacked ones.  I also LOVED the woven headbands, I like that you can attach a bow to them.  Going to be trying that this weekend.  

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