
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Repost: Pottery Barn Knock-off Ghosts

I posted this last year but am bringing out Halloween decorations now so thought we should revisit.

We had a fun craft party to make these Pottery Barn Ghosts. Usually making something yourself will save tons of money but Styrofoam balls are expensive. Why do they cost so much? However, we did save some money and of course had fun getting together to make them.

Pottery Barn Ghosts
My Version
Hanging Ghosts
Pottery Barn Version

- Styrofoam Balls - $6-$15 (I used a 8", 6", & 4") Use Coupons!!
- Black Marker - on hand (for the eyes)
- Cheesecloth - $3/Yd. I used 1 yd for the 8" but less for the other 2.
- Eye Screw - on hand
- String to hang - on hand
Total - about $35 for all 3

I just used a marker for the eyes and draped the cheesecloth over it. You can double the cheesecloth if you want and also cut vertical strips. I didn't do either of these and love how they turned out.


  1. Yours are cuter!!!!
    LOVE them!

    I think these would look super cute on my porch too.....!!!

    Have a great and creepy October!

  2. I was shocked at the price of styrofoam balls too! Crazy! Your ghosts are too cute! Great idea. Thanks for sharing at tip toe thru tuesday!


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