
Monday, October 1, 2012

Grocery Savings

I love saving money.  I have tried couponing and it is really difficult for me to cut them each week and then match them up to what I need that week.  I also try not to buy too many packaged meals so feel that not all coupons apply to me.  However, I found this website Deals to Meals and decided to give it a try.  I really like it.  It tells you what to save up on along with what you can freeze.  And I can always look up if there is a valid coupon for that item to save any more.  I love Frugal Girls Coupon Database to be able to just look up coupons by the name and then where to find it.  Pretty awesome to save 48% on my bill.  Now, I know it's not as low as some of the people who only spend pennies but I think it is a lot for me with minimal effort.

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